Introduction to Political Sociology

462 DKK

Status: På lager
Levering: 2-5 dage

Political sociology is fundamentally interdisciplinary, combining theories and empirical insights from disciplines such as sociology, political science, political economy and media studies. This book provides a state-of-the-art introduction to the broad field of political sociology, from the historical formation of states and the institutions of welfare states to sociological theories of voting behaviour and other everyday political activities. It avoids advocating any particular discipline or theoretical perspective, instead inviting students to engage and take part in debates that are central to political sociology and important to society at large.

Introduction to Political Sociology is edited by Benedikte Brincker, associate professor at Copenhagen Business School, with contributions from key scholars in political sociology.

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Bog (Hæftet)
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Bog (Hæftet)
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Bog (Hæftet)
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